Pillar of Excellence Awarded to Madeline Ciryak!
"She is alwyas prepared and does her best in all aspects of her life. She is a well-rounded student and person, and always willing to go the extra mile to help a fellow classmate with his or her work even it ehyare an upperclassmen."
- Mrs. Hricovec (Business teacher)
Pillar of Excellence Awarded to Alexander Brown!
"He is a great writer, carefully does all of his assigned reading and is willing to think critically. This person has quiet leadership skills that serve as a model of excellence for his peers. He reaches out to others to help them learn in class, and always has a very positive attitude!
-Nominated by Mrs. Bradesca (English teacher)
Pillar of Excellence Awarded to Nicholas Wells!
"He is a polite and respectful young man and constantly strives to better himself for his own sake and the sake of his peers. Ms. Ciarrone said this person is an ideal example of what it is to live the Christian life, both to his classmates, and his teachers, his cross country team and wherever he goes."
-Nominated by Miss Ciarrone (Religion teacher)
The Pillar of Excellence is awarded to Connery Van Dyke!
" A notable quality in him is his refusal to procrastinate---when given a task, he begins work on it immediately. This trait allows him to devote substantive thought and reflection to the assignment without waiting until the last minute to throw something superficial together to hand in.
-Nominated by Mrs. Heinrich (English teacher)
Nick Ziegelmeyer '19 was names a Commended Student and Max Menner '19 was names a Semifinalist in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Program. Suzanne Lester, Principal and the entire EC family congratulate both on their achievement. Best wishes to Max as he continues to compete.