Coach Kempton states that Jacob has demonstrated what it means to be a compassionate leader. Whether it is working with youth during summer camp, or during the season with his teammates, Jacob recognizes the situations when an individual will need just a little encouragement or his compassion to get through their struggles. Jacob encourages his teammates and classmates to better themselves in the classroom, on the playing field and in their faith. He truly shows his honor, respect and devotion to his faith, family, school, and community through his continued hard work and his compassion towards others.
It was also noticed in the office when Jacob realized that another who was sitting there obviously troubled. He sat down and started talking with him. He then asked that student to come hang out with him and his friends in the cafeteria. This simple act of kindness caused the other student to calm down and begin talking and smiling. This was truly an act of compassion.
Congratulations, Jacob. Continue to Prowl with Pride.