Holy Thursday, April 9th, at 7:00 pm | The Mass of the Lord's Supper Concelebrated and live-streamed from St. Jude Parish | Elyria Catholic Cluster Facebook page
Good Friday, Apr 10 at 3:00 pm | The Celebration of the Passion of the Lordlive-streamed from St. Mary Parish | Elyria Catholic ClusterFacebook Page
Easter Vigil Mass, Sat, April 11th at 8:00 pm | live-streamed from St. Mary Parish on the St Mary ChurchFacebook Page.
Easter Sunday, Apr 12th, at 10:00 am | Live-streamed from St. Mary Parish Elyria Catholic ClusterFacebook Page
Services and Resources throughout the Diocese of Cleveland
Participate in Holy Week Liturgies virtually offered by the Diocese of Cleveland & your parishes.
Share this illustrated guide from the Fellowship of Catholic University Students with your catechists, families and parish.
Thank you to the Diocese of Cleveland, our Elyria Catholic Cluster parishes and other parishes in the diocese who have worked tirelessly to provide spiritual enrichment during this time. We appreciate your time, talent and treasure.