From an early age, Jerot knew he was meant to serve our country and become a part of something bigger than himself.
After graduating from Elyria Catholic in 2014 and Xavier University in 2018, Jerot decided to enlist in the U.S. Army. “Elyria Catholic was and still is a melting pot of different cultures, races, and ideology. EC provided me the opportunity to listen and learn from others who think differently than myself. Having this positive experience as a teenager prepared me for life after high school and then eventually the military.”
Jerot currently serves in the U.S. Army. He is stationed in Stuttgart, Germany and his current MOS (job) is an 18C Special Forces Engineer. He says his biggest accomplishment thus far is graduating from the Special Forces Qualification course and becoming fluent in Russian.
For any current Elyria Catholic student or alumni considering enlisting, Jerot says joining the military and finding the right role for yourself takes a lot of time, thought, and careful consideration.
“Enlisting in the military is a big commitment. I recommend doing research on the different career fields that the military offers whether that’s combat, medical, or administration. It is definitely not a decision that should be made quickly.”
For a full list of our Elyria Catholic veterans and those currently serving, please visit
If you are a veteran or currently serving in a branch of the U.S. Military, please complete our Military Update Form.